Curriculum Overview
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The PBS Curriculum Overview
The PBS curriculum follows the World Class International Curriculum with adaptations ensuring there are excellent links for our students to learn about and appreciate the UAE.
Our curriculum is engaging and challenging for all our students. Our experienced British qualified teachers will provide excellent learning experiences that will excite and motivate the children to want to learn more. With our premium facilities and high quality educational resources, not to mention our IGCSE examinations and A levels, we guarantee PBS students are receiving the very best educational opportunities in a happy, supportive and safe environment.
As a British school in the UAE, it is important we recognise and respect the host culture. As such we provide Arabic, Islamic Studies, Social Studies and Moral Education in accordance with SPEA guidelines.
Our curriculum covers a broad range of subjects so children will be able to find out what they are passionate about and can start making decisions about what they might wish to study further at university.
Key Stages
The national curriculum is organised into blocks of years called ‘key stages’ (KS). Our Primary School finishes at the end of Key Stage 2 when children transfer to our Secondary School in Year 7. At the end of each key stage, we formally assess your child’s performance to ensure they are on track with our curriculum expectations.
Foundation Stage 1 Foundation Stage 2 | EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) | 3 to 4 | EYFS assessment at the end of FS2 which includes an assessment of pupils’ starting points in language, communication, literacy and maths and teacher assessments. |
Year 1 | Key Stage 1 | 5 to 6 | Year 1: Phonics Screening |
Year 2 | Year 2: End of Key Stage 1 Assessments in English reading and maths. Teacher assessments in maths, science, and English reading and writing |
Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 | Key Stage 2 | 7 to 10 | Year 4: Multiplication tables check Year 6: End of Key Stage 2 assessments in English reading, maths, and grammar, punctuation and spelling. Teacher assessments in English writing and science. |
Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 | Key Stage 3 | 11 to 14 | Year 8 and 9 students will all sit the end of year GL Assessments for English, Mathematics and Science Year 9: End of Key Stage 3 assessments for English, Mathematics, Science, Arabic and Islamic Studies. Students start IGCSE coursework from Year 9 |
Year 10 Year 11 | Key Stage 4 | 14 to 16 | End of Year 11: IGCSE examinations |
Year 12 Year 13 | Key Stage 5 | 16 to 18 | End of Year 12: AS level examinations End of Year 13: A level examinations |