Inclusion Department
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Inclusion Department

PBS is committed to inclusion. “At its heart, inclusive education is a provision that is committed to educating all students, including students identified as experiencing special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in a common learning environment. In such settings, all students have access to quality instruction, intervention and support, so that they experience success in learning.
We embrace the principle of providing high quality education to all the children who attend the school. We aim to engender a sense of community and belonging, and to offer new opportunities to learners who may have experienced previous difficulties. The special educational needs of all children will be met, where appropriate, in mainstream settings, otherwise in a withdrawal setting.
We pay particular attention to the provision for and the achievement of different groups of learners:
- Learners with ‘additional needs’
- Those who are ‘gifted and talented’
- English as additional language (EAL)
Parents have a vital role to play in supporting their child’s education; we ensure that parents will be involved in regular follow-up with the school regarding the identified needs of the students and the progress they are making.
PBS has a committed team of specialist teachers, qualified Special Educational Needs Coordinators/leaders of Inclusion and over 6 learning support assistants.
Our team dedicate their time and energy both within and outside of the classroom; supporting the students in our care with enthusiasm for learning. Thanks to the diversity of skills and experience within our team, we are able to support a large range of needs.